When I saw you standing there I about fell off my chair當我看見你站在那兒,我快要從椅子上跌下When you moved your mouth to speak 當你開口說話的同時I felt the blood go to my feet我感到全身熱血往我的腳竄流 Now it took time for me to know現在 我要花些時間去瞭解What you tried so not to show是什麼 你試著不要表現出來Something in my soul just cried 某個事物在我靈魂裡剛哭過I see the want in your blue eyes 我看見那渴望在你沁藍的眼中
Baby I'd love you to want me 寶貝 我就愛你要我The way that I want you 如同我要你那樣The way that it should be就樣一切就該如此般理所當然Baby you'd love me to want you寶貝 你就愛我要你The way that I want to 如同我所渴望的If you'd only let it be如果你就讓它發生
You told yourself years ago 你曾告訴自己多年以前You'd never let your feelings show 你從不曾讓你的感覺展現The obligation that you made 你所做的那些責任、義務For the title that they gave 他們所給予的稱謂
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